
How do I apply to be a learning assistant?
Applications are open for a limited time. Each semester you will have the opportunity to apply to be a learning assistant for the following semester. Applications are typically open for 2-3 weeks. They are available through a variety of channels: we email applications to students currently taking one of our LA-assisted courses, post flyers with QR codes to apply, or you can follow the link on our website.

Biology – Mrs. Taria Crenshaw, Crenshawt@ecu.edu

Chemistry – Dr. Joi Walker, Walkerj@ecu.edu

Economics – Dr. Nick Rupp, Ruppn@ecu.edu

Geology – Dr. Eric Horsman, Horsmane@ecu.edu

Mathematics – Dr. Guglielmo Fucci, Fuccig@ecu.edu; Mr. Joseph Bland, Blandj@ecu.edu

Physics – Dr. Mark Sprague, Spraguem@ecu.edu

How much are learning assistants paid?
Learning Assistants make between $800 – $1200 a semester based on experience.

What are the duties of a learning assistant?
LAs are required to attend class sessions to interact with students and lead discussions about class material, attend weekly prep sessions with the faculty member in their discipline and complete regular evaluations. New LAs are required to attend a Pedagogy course.

How many hours a week do learning assistants work?
LAs are contracted to work 5 hours a week.

Why would I want to be a learning assistant?
LAs gain a better understanding of the material in the course they assist in, develop relationships with faculty and fellow students, and improve upon their teaching skills. Most importantly learning assistants make a difference in a student’s learning experience.

I’ve been an LA before; do I need to re-apply?
Yes. You must fill out a new application each year you would like to be a learning assistant.


How do I get LA’s in my department/class?
Talk to your department coordinator for more information or Jean-Luc Scemama scemamaj@ecu.edu

How do I know that I want LAs in my class?
There are many benefits to having learning assistants in your courses. Talk with your department coordinator today.  Applications for faculty will be coming soon!

How are LAs funded?
LAs are funded through Academic Affairs.

Will I have to teach my course differently if I have LAs?
Many of the courses that have LAs are transformed to facilitate active engagement and collaborative learning techniques. Talk to one of our professors about the changes implemented in their courses.

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